Friday, September 9, 2011

Looking back on 9/11 and the "terror industrial complex" it spawned

Maybe you all are like me, already sick of the emotionally-manipulative 9/11 remembrance content all over the mainstream media. Instead of more footage of twisted rubble, crying women, and the stars-and-stripes, how about something that's actually thought-provoking:

Some of this we already know, but the Pulitzer-winning author Diana Priest has documented many ways that the secrecy-antiterrorism industry has exploded since 9/11... to a point that it is literally "out of control" as evaluated by security experts. No one knows how much we are spending, what we are doing, and who we are employing. The gov't was so unprepared for this growth that they needed to hire contractors to be able to run background checks on all the new contractors they were hiring. It's incredible: now 800,000 Americans, or 1 in 375 of us, hold top-secret clearances (many of them have not taken loyalty oaths to defend the US, and instead serve the profit motive). For all the GOP complaints about the size of gov't and its inability to sustainably create jobs - I guess they meant all other industries but this one.

And security contractors are paid much more than similar "public servants", so the CIA saw a brain drain where junior analysts would accrue the necessary year or so to acquire the basic skills sought by the security firms. They would then leave the CIA, get hired by Blackwater types, and do the exact same job for 3X pay, with the gov't and ultimately taxpayers on the hook to cover the higher expense.

If we thought CIA was covert, they are getting one-upped by JSOC (Joint Spec Ops Cmd, that used to do hostage rescue but now is the gov'ts elite hit squad that nailed Bin Laden and others). JSOC has all the power and resources of the CIA (if not more), yet isn't bound by law to report its activities to Congress or others. Obama has given them the green light to step up their activities, and to their credit they have killed/captured many more "terrorists" than the CIA. But it is scary that some secret org can decide to put a name on a kill list, and then just go out and do it without asking anyone for permission (yet are funded by us). They represent us but don't answer to us, so we get the blowback if they mess up (like errant drone strikes in Pakistan whipping up anti-Americanism).

Let's also remember all this stuff on the anniversary of 9/11, including the tens of thousands of non-Americans who have died as the result of our wars.

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