Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Children fleeing Central America

I found this interesting. Of the 50K or so children picked up at the US-MEX border in the last 6 months, most of them are from Guatemala/Honduras/El Salvador, yet very few are from neighboring Nicaragua.

Of course Honduras is the murder capital of the Americas (if not the world), so Nicaragua by default has less violence. All of those countries are pretty poor, but Nicaragua has much less drug gang violence and a different immigration history with the US. It stems from the Cold War. The US interfered in the affairs of all those nations to support pro-US, right-wing forces against leftist opponents. For Nicaragua, the US backed the Contra rebels against the Sandinista gov't (which, with popular support, overthrew the US-backed Somoza dictatorship beforehand). Because of that, the US was more welcoming of Nicaraguan refugees in the 1980s, similar to pro-American Cubans and Hmong. So the ones who wanted to leave may be already here. In addition, after the civil war Nicaragua invested more in functional law enforcement, community development, and proactive gov't (without America's help). The Sandinistas were recently elected back to power.

For those other nations, the US supported the repressive, corrupt, right-wing regimes in power against leftist insurgents. So refugees fleeing those nations were not as welcomed in the US (and no specific provisions were written for them). It could be coincidence, but it's likely that the US support for those less democratic, more brutal regimes paved the way for the lawlessness, violence, and misery today. Therefore, do we have somewhat of a moral obligation to help the fleeing kids?

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