Thursday, February 4, 2016

Ted Cruz uses Nixon's playbook to win in Iowa
  • Teddy has been a naughty boy!
    • I find this sadly ironic since Iowa is a barometer of Evangelical voting, and they supposedly like Cruz for being "more Christian" than Trump or others (definitely more than that Catholic turncoat Jeb!)
    • So yeah, it's really Christian of Ted to cheat his way to victory, or at least condone unclassy (if not outright unethical) actions
  • An interesting history of extremists in the GOP:
  • I am not sure which states Trump is looking stronger in (seems like the Northeast + non-TX/FL deep South?) vs. Cruz/Rubio, but of course the pre-Iowa polls have Trump ahead in all of the early states:
  • Not that I am a Trump fan, but sadly I think he would be less scary for the country/world than a Pres. Cruz
    • Fortunately Cruz is not that electable in a general election (a TP extremist, and you see how few mainstream endorsements he's getting), yet Rubio is, so maybe we should be more concerned about Marco beating Clinton/Sanders?
      • Not that I'm so fired up about a Clinton presidency either
PS - This dude just earned Mexican citizenship with one tomato:
PPS - this is what a coworker found out about election fraud (the GOP should try to clamp down on this crap rather than imaginary voter fraud, but of course they won't - and they shamelessly cite the free speech defense):

Interestingly, the scope for the sorts of federal electoral crimes that a candidate can be accused of is really narrow. Take a look at the FBI page on what it considers to be electoral crimes. Essentially, there are only three things that they'd actually consider criminal:
  1. Illegal donations and financing
  2. Voting by an unqualified voter or abetting such voting
  3. Preventing a qualified voter from voting
Everything else is pretty much fair game. (Obviously, there are state laws, but, since the Iowa caucuses are for a federal office, the FBI would have precedence in this case.)

Noteworthy also is the list of things that they explicitly identify as not being illegal (highlighting added):

What is NOT a federal election crime:
  • Giving voters a ride to the polls;
  • Offering voters a stamp to mail an absentee ballot;
  • Giving voters time off to vote;
  • Violating state campaign finance laws;
  • Distributing inaccurate campaign literature;
  • Campaigning too close to the polls;
  • Trying to convince an opponent to withdraw from a race.
This is extremely sleazy behavior, and yet, when I heard about it, my first reaction was, "Yeah, that sounds like Ted Cruz."

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