Wednesday, March 2, 2016

News potpourri

  • New bipedal robot from Boston Dynamics is amazing, terrifying, and pitiful all at once
  • We already knew that tech workers can be immature and insensitive, but this suggests that elite wealth/education isn't doing a good enough job on race issues either (and living in the cosmo. Bay Area doesn't guarantee racial awareness either)
    • BTW, MS-FB-Google are ~2% black, and Apple is super-diverse at 8%
  • This Trump thing has evolved from a joke/curiosity to real national concern; if he wins the nomination, then ALL OF US seriously have to volunteer (and get our networks to do so, also) to help his main rival, if we care about America

    It is understandable for some to oppose abortion, but this video describes the almost cruel/vindictive ways that some red state governments obstruct patients and providers. America is not even going after ISIS this passionately.
  • As his GOP rivals said, the guy is a glorified watch salesman; all talk/image no substance. Maybe supporters are voting for the name, just like Clinton I guess (I assume most of her supporters can't really articulate her major career accomplishments and Senate voting record). We buy based on what we think the benefits of the brand are, and brand ultimately leads to happiness more than product features. But Oliver's point was that the "Trump" image has nothing to do with the candidate/man (he can understand why people like the mythical notion of a "Donald Trump" leading America, but that is not what we'll get on inaug. day). Actually his actions only merit the "Donald Drumpf" brand.

    Very entertaining, but the only downside is that it could help Rubio/Cruz (whose stated policies are not that different to those of Trump). However, I don't know which of these guys pose the greatest challenge to Hillary (I support Sanders, but I know the odds are against him).

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