Monday, January 25, 2010

NFC Championship Game

Dang quite a game. Of course I was pulling for the Derrty, but actually I am sad how Favre went out. MIN deserved to win that game in every way but TOs. The Saints D was gunning for the old man all day and did get in some cheap shots that weren't called. But at least his line prevented sacks. Apart from Favre's INTs, Harvin and Berrian's fumbles in the red zone were huge. The Saints made their living this season on TOs - everyone knows that.

It was kind of wierd to see Rich Eisen and Mooch literally tear up as they were describing the loss now. For all of Favre's ego and BS in the media, can anyone else in the NFL make grown men get emotional like that? Even for a great player like LT, no one is lamenting his sad decline in SD now. I guess the NFL really needs someone like Favre, a hero that regular (white) guys can relate to and believe in. Yeah hate me for saying it, but would you rather root for the squeaky-clean polished Mannings or the zero-personality Big Bens? At least Favre is a real, flawed, brave guy who puts it all on the line for the game he loves (he wears Wrangler after all!). Yeah he messes up and screws his team over sometimes, but this season proved all his haters wrong. I'm still not a "fan" of his, but the game does suffer without him.


I thought this was funny... Vikings radio call of Favre's interception. The color commentator gets so angry he sounds like Jesse Ventura cutting a wrestling promo. "This ain't Detroit man! This is the Super Bowl!"

I loved seeing New Orleans win. I'm not sad at all about Favre and Childress getting their just deserts. After running up the score for no reason last week against Dallas, this is karmic payback. This isn't college football where you have to impress the pollsters in box scores when they don't even watch the game! You are up by 20 points with 4 minutes left... take your god damn starters out so they don't get hurt! Instead Favre and Chilly are throwing deep TDs... if I were Keith Brooking, instead of running to the sidelines and whining... I'd take the crown of my helmet, fly right at Favre and nail him square in the facemask. That will teach you to keep your precious QB in the game during garbage time.

Call it karma, voodoo or Santeria... somehow the Saints pulled it out!


Yeah I admit maybe I drank the Kool-aid about Favre yesterday and fell for the emotional manipulations. Heck I had several brews during the game too.

But come on, don't lament them running up the score on Dallas. Fuck Dallas and the Jerry Dome. This is the franchise that believed in TO and Pacman after all. Arrogant Dallas will run up the score on anyone else and laugh about it. They deserve to lose 0-70 every time they go out there, unless they do something about it. There's no charity in the NFL, especially for super-rich franchises on TV all the time. They beat PHI twice convincingly in critical games - good for them. But if they are getting blown out by the NFC 2 seed (with a HOF QB, top 3 RB, and several Pro Bowlers), boo fucking hoo, it's the Playoffs. If Brooking didn't like getting scored on in garbage time, then maybe he should have stepped up like a man and rallied his mates to STOP them on the field. Bitching is for bitches. A loss is a loss, and it doesn't matter if the margin is 1 or 30; they are still going home. You're right that Childress was a moron to risk his people when the game was won, but that wasn't DAL's problem. I was never a Childress fan BTW, especially after his tampering with GB and such.

For the NOR game, just imagine how they would be kissing Favre's ass if MIN somehow pulled it off. Take away one of the Berrian or Harvin fumbles and it's a good bet MIN would have won. They limited Brees to sub-200 yards. They did "enough" to beat NOR, except for literally 2 bad plays and 2 shady ref calls. Brady has thrown 3 picks in Playoff wins before. Teams can survive a few mistakes if they do the rest well. But for Favre's last pick - it was boneheaded to throw across the body/field into triple coverage, but how many times has he pulled that off before? He had a sprained ankle and probably couldn't scramble for 5 yards. And say he got hurt trying, and Longwell missed the FG - then you got Tavaris in OT. I did see he had Taylor by the sidelines near the 30, but a DB was closing. It's tough man - how many QBs besides Manning or Brees could have pulled that play off in his health? Favre already won 2 games for MIN this season on 4th down desperation TDs. He only has so much mojo left.

Haha if Favre and Peterson worked out with this, maybe their wrists would be super strong and they wouldn't make TOs as much!

Really I'm at a loss. BTW "dynamic inertia" is an oxymoron in physics haha.


On running the score up: I gotta agree with T on this one. For one thing, fuck Dallas. Also, this is the pro's, there is no running the score up on other teams. Maybe in college and definitely lower there is something wrong with running up the score as they are supposed to be amateurs. But pros? No. Man up, or don't suck so much. It's still a dick move, but pro's don't get to complain.

On Favre: The thing is, the reason why I hate him so much is partly based on the media's absolute love for him. I'm sure Peter King was knocking on his door last night after the game to offer him pity sex with him. They adore him and I don't understand why. Because he takes stupid risks (I mean because he's a GUNSLINGER!)? Cuz he's white? The thing with the Packers is always presented as Favre gettting his revenge or whatever. What revenge though? He screwed them over then he gets to be the guy who gets revenge? That would be like having your girlfriend cheat on you and later when she marries a rich guy she's getting revenge on you. For cheating on you.

The media's love for him is absurd. As if no one else in the game shows emotion, or "has fun out there" or all the other bs they ascribe to him as being somehow unique. His spat with the packers should show he's not any different from any other asshole out there. Or how he told the Jets to essentially fire their coach, then he doesn't even come back there anyway.

And yeah, I would rather root for Payton Manning. He's a funny, not apparently an asshole kind of guy. Again with Favre, "he puts it all on the line" but so does most other people. Why the fuck did I have to see his wife so goddamn much in that game anyway? They didn't show Brees' wife and I think he's a lot more likable than Farve's prima donna ass.

Oh yeah and the vikes loss was mostly Peterson's and Harvin's fault, their fumbles were the most devastating. I do recognize this. But Favre's interception at the end was still delicious for a hater like me. For years he had thrown dumb interceptions like that because he thinks he still has the same arm strength as he had when he was 30. In the past few years he sucked too, even led the league in interceptions recently. Naturally, the Favre loving media ignored this so when he had a good year like this year, they got to gargle his balls some more.

So to me, the real karma here is tying your fortunes to Favre, and losing because he does what he always does, stupid shit like throwing across your body to the left side of the field when you roll right. He managed to run out there by the way, and he looked alright. He probably could run 15 more feet upfield. Or throw the ball away. If it was anyone else, who doesn't get the media to whore themselves out to him, then it would be completely unacceptable for a "veteran" qb to throw a pass like that. I am very thankful that Favre lost. I wouldn't be able to watch TV for two weeks if the Vikes had won thanks to Farve. I would not want to watch a man get his dick sucked for two straight weeks. Maybe Gala would like that.

Putting Favre aside for a moment, the vikes did give that game away. If I was vikes fan I would have been cringing every time Peterson or Harvin touched the ball. I like the guy but I think Adrian Peterson is officially "Fumble Prone." To give up the ball so much and still almost win speaks poorly of the Saint's really. Payton Manning is unlikely to throw stupid ints and few people are as fumbley as Peterson, so I wouldn't count on that either. Saints will actually have to play some good football, which they really didn't do against the Vikes.

And no, I don't think Aaron Rodgers can the next great white hope. The media had a smear job on him when he started putting together better stats than Favre by saying stuff like "There's no question that team would be better with Farve" or "Most of the sacks the packers have are Rodgers' fault." The next great white hope is definitely Romo, who I've heard "leads the league in smiles." When a player gets some bullshit attached to them to show that he somehow doesn't suck despite a consistent history of choke jobs, well maybe you get to take Favre's place as the great white hope.


Haha great white hope? That is the Derrty Sanchez (the media love him already, but does he count as white?)! News flash - all the best QBs in the league ARE white (and probably will always be, sorry to my boy Vick). The great white hopes are Welker and Hester. Rodgers had a statistically huge season. He will have a great career if his line can protect him better. He won't be good for long if he keeps taking licks.

Well let me play Devil's advocate on Favre. I usually hate whatever the media love too, but I don't know, this season he just had the magic going and made me feel like a kid watching Montana again. Still hate Kobe and A-Rod though! Favre was pissed that GB decided to invest in their future with Rodgers. Favre's an impetulant child. But GB was his family and he led them to the promised land. They owed him, and he did take them within 1 game of the SB in 2007 (with a lesser team than MIN now). I guess he expected them to keep starting him until he hit Medicare age. They betrayed each other, and Favre has the right to hate anyone he wants - hate by nature is irrational. Look at MJ's HOF speech where he still disses Bryon Russel (even though he beat him). These pathological winners are vindictive fucks, but that's what helps make them great, sadly. At least Favre didn't get Daddy to trade him to NY like Eli, or bitch his way to CHI like Cutler (who showed his true colors this season).

I totally agree that he is a selfish, immature, reckless hillbilly. That is exactly why people love him, same with Dubya. He appeals to that primitive part of our American macho psyche that just wants to be a badass cowboy who don't give a F who we step on to get what we want. He totally messed things up in NY, and his performance after Oct was horrible - but partly because of his injury and the system (and partly because NY's WRs suck ass). And yes, they showed his stupid wife way too often. But that is the Fox producers, not Favre's fault.

I also agree that both Mannings have gotten more likeable since they won rings (beating NE makes you a lifelong friend in my book). The Sony commercials are funny too. But remember that Peyton was the same whiny, irritable, blame-everyone-but-myself guy when IND kept losing to PIT and NE. And Manning lost with a HUGE supporting cast (James, Freeney, Sanders, Vanderjerk in their primes, great O-line). I personally like Rivers and Brees more than the Mannings, but that's just me. For Favre, he is a playmaker like Iverson. You take the good with the bad. But I would rather watch an Iverson/Favre do his (selfish, reckless) thing than a boring-ass "game manager" like Sanchez or Pennington. Favre makes even haters get out of their seats sometimes, and he's fucking 40 for fuck sakes. Seriously we can't discount that. Look how Big Mac and Bonds cheated to keep their edge into older age, but Favre is in a more phsyical, nasty sport and keeps it up (assuming he's clean). Sometimes it's bad to throw the ball away. You got to man up and make a play. Favre has done that more times this season than guys half his age with arguably more physical abilities do their whole careers. From a fan standpoint, you want to see highlights. From a team perspective, you want to win and make the right decisions. More often than not in 2009, Favre has done both. Everyone sucks his cack when he does good, and everyone blames him (or makes excuses for him) when he fails. But clearly MIN is not even as good as GB if Tavaris were running the show.

I feel bad about AP, who is a great guy and great player. He fumbled 3 times but fortunately MIN recovered each time, so it's more forgiveable. But his confidence must be shot. He is mad strong and had very few fumbles before 2009, so I don't think its his technique. Maybe mentally he has a problem, or it's just bad luck. But MIN has a great record when AP rushes for over 100 and 2 scores, which he did yesterday. MIN held NO to 3 of 12 on 3rd downs. They did enough to win, even with those TOs. As D said, NO was not executing as sharply as they usually do. Shockey and Bush were mostly nonfactors, and there were no big passes. MIN can't be perfect, and that day TOs were their weakness. A big ass weakness for sure, but you can't blame it all on Favre's INT. And let's remember that it's damn hard to win on the road in January.

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