Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Wikileaks military video of civilian deaths


i don't like to circumvent this emailing group, but i think it imperative that all who pay taxes in this country see what we're buying in iraq.  it's raw footage so scroll into it about 5-6 minutes and start watching.  I'm warning you, it's very graphic, but you must see this.  It's the real face of war.  


We thought this type of stuff only happened in Vietnam or Hollywood. Some general always apologizes when a stray cruise missile kills dozens of innocents, but this time the killers were engaging their victims in plain sight. "6 individuals with AK-47s?" I thought pilots were supposed to have good vision. They didn't dress like insurgents and they didn't move like insurgents. The chopper fired at unarmed people trying to get the wounded to safety - that can't be permissible in the Rules of Engagement and Geneva Conventions. Even during the brutality of WWI there would be ceasefires to collect the dead and wounded. And just imagine how many such incidents were not exposed or taped during the 8+ years our forces have been in the Middle East.

The pro-life critics of the health bill said that they didn't want their tax dollars to fund abortion murders. Well, many more of our tax dollars are funding unprovoked military murders in other nations, and they are OK with that? And it's not like America's national security would be compromised by 10 people walking down a street in Baghdad. When the Russians do something like this in Chechnya, or the Sudanese army in Darfur, we call it what it is, a war crime. We don't deny it and make excuses for them. 
Reddit thread discussing said video.  There has been a lot of anticipation for this video and the reaction it will get from the public and changes it may cause to our Iraq policy.  Also quite a bit of trouble went to stopping wiki leaks from releasing the video.  
Thanks for the link. I see where the Vet is coming from, but if you're in a war where EVERYTHING could be a threat, soldiers are stressed out to the point of lethal mistakes, and a slaughter can justifiably occur in accordance with the ROEs, then maybe pragmatically and morally, we need to re-evaluate our entire participation in such a conflict. I sympathize that those scared 19-year olds have an impossible job to do - so maybe they shouldn't be trying. Our leaders need to rethink our tactics and strategy, so that events like this and Haditha don't hang on the snap decisions of stressed out young men with guns. Take human error as much out of the equation as you can, right? Some may say, "well that's just war". Exactly. If war is this insane, then maybe it's not the best course of action.

And some great news from our other front:

KABUL — Afghan President Hamid Karzai threatened over the weekend to quit the political process and join the Taliban if he continued to come under outside pressure to reform, several members of parliament said Monday.

Wartime nation building is a fool's errand.

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