Friday, February 25, 2011

GOP congressman laughs off Obama death threats


Not 2 months after the Giffords shooting, a GA congressman was hosting a town hall in his district where a guest asked, "Who is going to shoot Obama?"

This apparently elicited laughter from the audience. The congressman's response was, "The thing is, I know there's a lot of frustration with this president. We're going to have an election next year. Hopefully, we'll elect somebody that's going to be a conservative, limited-government president that will take a smaller, who will sign a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare."

Where is the decency? The least he could do was scold that person and get security to remove him from the building. Some things are still inappropriate, right? Apparently this GOPer was totally fine with jokes about murdering an innocent man, not to mention he happens to be the head of state. What message is he sending - it's OK to use violence against people you disagree with politically? I am sure there are thousands of Americans out there who have fantasized about, or may actually want to, kill our president. Well we all have some sick private thoughts. But to unabashedly joke about it in public is taking things to another level. I'm ashamed of our people.

The GOP are calling for a Dem congressman from OR to resign because there is a picture of him in a Tigger outfit, and he didn't disclose that he was seeking psychiatric therapy. Heck maybe it was Halloween, and who but a heartless conservative doesn't love Tigger? If embarrassing photos were a criterion for congressional dismissal, then 90% of them should step down (and I bet a few GOPers have some much nastier photos hidden in their desks). I'd prefer a harmlessly loony leader any day vs. someone who doesn't care to defend his president against death threats, even in jest.

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