Friday, November 2, 2012

Is the GOP 'pro-life'?

As the author said, the GOP isn't 'pro-life', they just believe that a few cells in the womb = a human. I think it's partially subconscious guilt - they are so 'anti-life' on most other issues that they need to assuage their guilt and feel like 'good Christians' if they fight to save one poor 'victim' - embryos - even though the Bible doesn't say anything about that stuff. But it does say plenty about protecting the Earth, sharing your wealth, being honest, turning the other cheek, practicing peace, showing compassion/tolerance, and such.

Same thing for the GOP 'hatred' of the poor and financially unsuccessful. The rich made their wealth by hook or by crook, and to somehow convince themselves they aren't dirty thieves, they say that the other honest people are inferior, saps, muppets. The rich got rich because of social Darwinism. Well, some of the most evolved and fit creatures in history are pathogens, bloodthirsty predators, and roaches.

"I'm not going to apologize for my success." - Mitt

"I'm not going to apologize for my success (infecting and killing a lot of people)." - Spanish Flu

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