Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Oh the "tragedy" of the IRS scandal

First of all, is it wrong for a gov't agency to act with prejudice? Certainly. Should some people be fired or jailed? Yes if the proper evidence is available. Should we have an investigation to see how high it goes? Probably. But the outrage and tear-jerking by the right over this is worse than comical, it's enraging. NPR reported on the Congressional hearings, and it was like an episode of Maury. One Tea-bagger testified that she couldn't sleep because she could only imagine what evil the gov't would inflict on her next. Give me a break. She and others got her apps delayed and had to answer some annoying questions. Not right, but not the end of the world either (and the same thing happened to some liberal-sounding groups during the Bush years, and that was pre-Citizens United). Did they get shut down and their assets frozen? Did baton-wielding brutes launch tear gas and kick their teeth in? Were they detained for hours without charge or rendered overseas to be tortured? Because that stuff happened to Americans, and I didn't hear a peep out of the Tea-baggers then.

I would be more outraged if the wronged parties were like Mormons or soybean farmers or bugle players. But these are fundamentalist conservatives here, frankly with un-American ideology. They were still wronged, but they don't get to bitch about oppression and abuse when they are the ones advocating policies that marginalize gays, Muslims, people of color, women, the planet, and people with common sense. If they are all about keeping the vile gov't out of our lives and protecting our god-given rights, then why do they want to dictate who you can marry, what you can smoke, where you can build a mosque, what official language we should speak, and when life begins?

And if they distrust/criticize the gov't so much, then why do they expect to get swift, fair, and competent processing of their 501(c)4 status as a tax-free, non-profit, "social welfare" org? They claim to love America, yet hate the gov't. Well the gov't is America too. What are they, bipolar? America is not just a 200-year-old parchment with some old edicts. It needs agencies and people to carry them out. I think over 10% of our workforce is public sector. Maybe that is bad, but those people are your neighbors and family and they mostly mean you no harm (unless they work for DHS or CIA). In fact they help you in so many obvious and subtle ways that you should show some freaking humility and gratitude. Wasteful bureaucracy sucks, but unfortunately it's the easiest way to have a society, unless you trust the free market and for-profit corporations to "run your life" instead. And by the way, there would be no functional market without the government. Well there may be a market, but it would be like a giant craigslist swap meet cluster F.

We know that our system of political finance/influence is broken and corrupt (yes, other nations are much worse but we'd like to think that we're better than Iran or Italy). Citizens United really re-wrote the book and most Americans can't directly experience/fathom the effects. So you now can have orgs where million-dollar donors can be totally anonymous. And you can have some orgs that don't have to pay taxes because they claim to do just enough community service to go along with their 95% narrow political advocacy. Tea-baggers don't like the debt? Then before you cut off a poor working mom, why don't you pay some tax on the collections you reaped at your BS worthless rally? Why don't your employees have to pay into SS and Medicare, yet a literally job-creating company has to (even if it's in the red this year)? The nation is subsidizing your stupid beliefs and advocacy. Yes, you are constitutionally entitled to hold and propagate your stupid beliefs. But don't tell me you should get special treatment and a free ride. Doesn't that make you a taker? And yes, I also believe that religious orgs (that don't do enough REAL social work) and liberal orgs should pay taxes too. The Bugle Players of Alameda County are not the Red Cross. Neither is the Tea Party, any Tea Party.
It's ironic because the bad people that the Tea-baggers claim to be saving America from actually resemble them a lot (apart from being rich, old, and white). And it's strange that the majority of Americans do not hold the same beliefs as these Tea groups. Only in this crazy age do self-proclaimed patriots get financial assistance to advocate for policies that are clearly damaging to the country and its values. And then when they are slightly inconvenienced in the process, it's the worst tragedy-scandal since Benghazi (which is the worst tragedy-scandal in history... their version of history where Republicans like Cheney, North, and Nixon never existed).

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