Friday, December 27, 2013

Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty's comments

Apropos of this discussion,

It's just a little sad, in a way. They're some of the last people on the wrong side of history and are the last to realize it. I'd like to think that many similarly minded people are basically good and if they'd been raised in a different time they'd hold more considerate beliefs about others.


The Robertson stuff is unfortunately not that shocking these days, though the fact that such a guy gets a TV show and GQ exclusive interview is. Some Republicans' "defense of his first amendment rights" really pisses me off. I understand that Duckman was within his rights to say those things, but the blatant politics and hypocrisy is unacceptable. Palin, Jindal, Cruz - as if they have any credibility anymore, but folks like them weren't defending Rev. Wright's first amendment rights at the time. In fact they were convicting Obama as un-American just for sitting in the same room with Wright. Where is their outrage about homophobia, racism, and almost comical ignorance - traits that should be un-American but are unfortunately celebrated/condoned at times for being "traditional values"?

Sure, I get it that any time Christianity seems under attack, they circle the wagons. But another important American value is not ramming your beliefs down everyone else's throats (despite FNC and the Tea Party's revisionist history to the contrary). I'm sorry that the mere existence of gays, Muslims, and ethnic minorities in "your country" makes you upset. Part of a free society is tolerating diversity and even tolerating people you can't stand. Like how thinking people have to tolerate the likes of Robertson, Palin, and Cruz. Otherwise they might as well stop hating Iran and move there, because that is the type of regime that they are promoting. Let's see if these GOP figures similarly come to the defense of Joe Biden the next time he mouths off, or god forbid an urban black celebrity. They are good Christians too, aren't they? They're just as much Americans as Robertson, right?


In typical Palin-esque fashion, the momma grizzly admitted that she didn't even know what Robertson actually said (didn't read his statements from GQ) before opining on his free speech rights and the tyranny of political correctness/liberal intolerance. If only Robertson said something about Mein Kampf... would Palin have stood by her defense of his rights?

Of all companies, Cracker Barrel pulled its Duck Dynasty themed merchandise from its restaurants after the Robertson comments, but a day later reinstated them after outcry from customers. Only in Amurrrica. :P
On a related note, here is an interview from a Harvard neuroscientist about why the human brain may be hard-wired for narrow-minded moral judgment and us-vs-them tribalism.

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