Sunday, September 21, 2014

Cop killers

I don't know why many US police officers are so hostile/scared of urban black men, when it's probably more likely they will be killed by a "white trash" man. The Obama admin. implemented some protective measures during their 1st term and police deaths fell sharply since 2011. Statistically, being a US cop is safer now than the overall workforce average. And many police deaths were self-inflicted due to not wearing seat belts or distracted driving.
Not so for being a black man (and you can't really quit that like a bad job). Supposedly a black person is killed in the US every 1-2 days by police. I'm pretty confident that a sizable % of those were unnecessary.

Re: cop shootings, I couldn't get stats on the races of the shooters. But considering US demographics, it's very unlikely that blacks are the majority of them, despite what gangsta rappers claim. So it is just racism/ignorance that explains police perceptions and treatment of blacks?

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