Monday, June 9, 2008

Cheaper iPhone

Gotta hand it to His Steveness. Stick it to the most die-hard crack-addict Apple fans last year, who just had to have it on release day, with a bloated $600 8 GB iPhone v1.0 (with slow-ass EDGE Internet connectivity and triangulation instead of GPS). And then when sales didn't meet projections, the stock suffered somewhat, over 50% of people in one survey said that the iPhone's price was prohibitive, and rival companies developing more affordable smart-touch phone alternatives, they unveiled a better 3G/GPS 8 GB iPhone that is over 50% cheaper ($199)! Now Apple gets the best of both worlds - over-charging the Mac-addicts, and under-cutting the competition. Well, at least A's prophecy rang true that iPhone v2.0 would be less elitist and more accessible/affordable for the masses, even if most cell phone users wouldn't really use all those bells and whistles, and couldn't afford a $100+/month cell plan.

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