Friday, December 4, 2015

"Prayer shaming" after the CA mass shooting

Forgive me for ranting and using foul language here, but for "religious pro-gun conservatives" who find prayer-shaming "offensive and dismissive of their faith," I say... go F yourselves.

We don't have to respect your so-called faith if you don't even show respect for the tenets of the faith. I'm no expert in Christianity, but WEAPONS ARE UN-CHRISTIAN. I know that the history of organized Christianity is barbaric and violent (some periods make ISIS look like pacifists), but the beliefs are pretty clear:
  • Do not live by the sword; violence of any kind is unequivocly wrong
  • Defeat your enemy with love, not with violence
  • Protect the vulnerable, even if it kills you
  • Blessed are the peacemakers
So for the conservative leaders who claim to be Christians, if you don't espouse the most obvious, fundamental teachings of Christ, then you're not really a Christian and your prayers don't mean squat. There is absolutely zero way to justify gun rights and gun ownership through the lens of Christianity (on paper).

These leaders are religious, but they seem to worship guns, money, and themselves more than they love Jesus' teachings.

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