Friday, August 15, 2008

Russia-Georgia conflict

What do you think of the recent conflict? I think the US is in no position to criticize Russia being an "intimidator" and using "disproportionate force", since basically we and Israel have done the same thing to Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon this decade. After the Iraq War, I think we've opened up Pandora's Box and set a dangerous precedent of violating territorial sovereignty "to defend our people". Columbia did it in Ecuador to kill the FARC leader, and now Russia did it to Georgia, even if Georgia fired the first shots. Plus we have a double-standard regarding sepratist regions after East Timor, Chechnya, and Bush endorsing Kosovo independence too enthusiastically. It's only ok to declare independence if you are pro-Western. And for the US and Poles to agree to the missile shield at this time is very poor diplomacy. It only makes Russia more paranoid and aggressive to spread its influence on its neighbors before the US/NATO get them. If we back Russia into a corner, she will do something bad. It's an old story. And Russia has the oil leverage to bring Europe down, and us with them. What can we do to Russia? Empty threats and ineffective sanctions? We can't even get a second-rate nation like Iran to behave!

Some funny user comments on BBC:

I actually feel sorry for the Russians.

As the US and UK have proved when they use force unilaterally its of course for the good of the world. Now Russia have used it, its detrimental to world peace and a naked act of agression.

Georgia caused much of this mess, have been shown to create extensive damage in the region and they inflicted the first blow. But in the US view they`re the victims.

If the US is really the policemen of the world, he's on the 'take'.

Dave, Manchester, UK

all US Presidents since Korean War in 50s used to say that US will protect with all its power any US citizen in any part of the world. It's their favorite sentence. It was the reason of US invasion to Somali, Guatemala, Panama, Serbia, Korea, Vietnam etc

Russia did the same in S.Osetia. We protect our citizens.

US have dozen Presidents proclaimed this principle. Russia has first President proclaims this principle.
It's up to USA how to react on this with its Policy of Double Standards

alec b, Moscow, Russia

The USA is very provocative and continually tries to move further East direction Russia. It is using its economic power and money to convince former Soviet small states to let the US install missile systems on their territory. Of course, Russia feels somewhat threatened but the US does not care if this ratchets up world tension. Why, because the US is only interested in its self and not in maintaining stability in the region and in the world. New Russian missiles in Cuba and Venezuela?

Hendrik Mahr, Frankfurt

In fact Joseph Stalin was born (in Gori of all places that Republicans show so much concern for) to an Ossetian father and Georgian mother. With such infamous offspring from a Georgian-Ossetian marriage, shouldn't we all be praying that they separate into independent states as soon as possible.

[desnol], London, United Kingdom

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