Wednesday, November 30, 2011

The future of digital privacy and Constitutional rights

Doesn't look good:

And clearly this professor isn't a paranoid and alarmist Chicken Little, when major mobile companies are not only monitoring your location 24/7, but recording ALL YOUR KEYSTROKES ALL THE TIME:

When an external party tries to do this to us on our PCs, they call it malware (possibly illegal). When our mobile providers do it without our knowledge, they call it "enhancing the user experience."  I'm tired of these big data firms just telling us to "trust them" that they'll use all this info responsibly. And of course we can't expect the gov't to look after our interests on this issue, because they are way behind the tech curve, and the courts tend to side with the corporations and free speech argument. With data mining methods and tech tools only getting smarter and more ubiquitous, where are we headed?

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