Friday, March 2, 2012

Michigan GOP changes rules at the last minute to give Romney win over Santorum

Not that I'm a RS supporter, but I will pounce on any opportunity to badmouth Romney.

We all know that it's a major shame if a politician can't even win his or her own state (e.g. Gore in 2000). So despite Romney et al.'s much more formidable and organized campaigning machine outspending Santorum's at least 3-to-1 in his birth state of Michigan, the polls were neck-and-neck, and some even had RS ahead by double-digits a couple weeks ago before he botched the AZ debate. I have little idea how the stupid delegates system in the US works, but apparently the 2 candidates had earned 14/30 MI delegates each, with the party awarding the final 2 at-large delegates. Party rules stipulated that each candidate would get one, since the voting was so close, so MI would be declared a tie. But the MI GOP changed the rules at the last minute to award Romney both. The reasoning for this change is unclear. Santorum's camp is of course crying foul, and he's not the only one. MI's former Atty. General compared this move to a "banana republic". It stinks of corruption, even if it was done honestly and ethically.

Romney also "stole" a perceived Iowa win even though a recount showed RS barely won (or the 2 tied). But the headlines got out that Romney won, so that is the story. Again here, the press says that Romney won MI, so now he gets the momentum and the publicity, while RS looks like a complainer if he doesn't let it go. But despite all of Romney's advantages, the fact that MI was so close should send his campaign and the country a message on his viability as a candidate.

To me, it's just scary that some careless volunteers in Iowa and some un-elected party bosses in Michigan can literally determine who the next presidential challenger will be.

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