Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Hillary lecturing Black Lives Matter that they need to help themselves more

Also, I don't like how Hillary kind of "lectured" some Black Lives Matter activists recently that anger won't cut it; they need to put forth concrete policy proposals to make real impact. That is a BS managerial cop-out IMO. It's like when a boss at work got his yearly upward feedback that he micromanaged too much. He asked the team to give him action items on how to improve and what to do differently. No, the team already did their job and did you a service by pointing out a failing that you should have already known about and corrected. Now you are asking them to do your job and give you the step-by-step plan on how to be a better leader? Then why does the team need you, just promote someone in the team?

Same with Hillary and BLM - African Americans have already done their civic duty of living through all the violence and racism every day, and now assembling and drawing national attention to the problem. But out-of-touch (and not really caring) white leaders like Hillary tell them that's not good enough - give America a plan on how to fix it.

Isn't that like a judge telling the rape victim to teach the rapist how to behave properly and not hurt people? No Hillary, the effective policies for police reform and social justice are already out there and have been studied & available for decades. What, does BLM have to do a literature review for you? YOU are the one who wants to be president. So show some goddam leadership and make your own platform, in consultation with BLM of course. Don't tell them what they need to do. That is a cop out and passing the buck. If you care about the issue, you take action yourself and make a difference. Otherwise I'll vote for Deez Nuts.


I don't think Hilary was as bad as you say.  I think that is really how Hilary is as a person and leader.  Black lives matter has shown that yup, black people live in a different america than people like Hilary.  But since many people are effectively learning this for the first time, how can they also be expected to know how to fix it?  And ultimately shouldn't the BLM movement know what they require to be successful?  The better analogy than the rape victim teaching the rapist would be the rape victim teaching the bartender how to watch out for people's drinks or something like that.

So from Hilary's view, there is a problem and the people who are affected have a lot of momentum but they aren't putting their desires into terms she can use.  Likely both sides find this frustrating but I don't think it is either one's "fault".


I admit that I'm a Hillary hater (IMO her potential is better than most GOPers, but she's an unauthentic, awkward, uninspiring political animal and not a president who will make big impact on inequality, climate change, global stability, etc.). However I do acknowledge that her candidacy since 2007 was handicapped by bad timing and sexism (and incompetence from her team of course).
As a "progressive" (even though she's center-left, emphasis on the center), she should not be finding out about black injustice for the first time now. That is unacceptable for a former lawyer, senator, head of State, and a generally smart/modern person. The aggressive policing and incarceration issues has been around since "broken windows" and mandatory sentencing - when Bill was president!
Bottom line, the Dems have taken the black vote for granted for decades, and the GOP have given up trying to swing the black vote. So blacks are not really represented nationally. It's not just Hillary of course, do any of the candidates really address racial crime and minority justice issues? Maybe Rand Paul at best, but he's not electable.


When I say "find out" i mean in the same way I found out about domestic violence in the NFL by watching a dude knock his girl out in the elevator.  Or the way you "find out" a punch to the face hurts in your first actual fight.

I have always intellectually known that black people live a whole different experience.  But all of the black people (and basically all of the people) i know are relatively well off socioecenomically.  I'm sure Hilary even more so.  So yes she "knew" that blacks have it tough.  But what I think BLM has (largely) done well is represent just how bad it is.  It isn't "I can't get a cab" bad, but people die for what appear to be no reason on an alarmingly frequent basis.  

I'll  bet that, at least topically, dems think they have been trying to help the poor and disadvantaged.  So to have a group come to you and say "help us", someone soul-less like Hilary can only resort to her executive abilities and say "give me actionable policies and I can enact them".  I think that is authentic Hilary.  I don't want her to be president necessarily but the way she responded could be read as much as a positive as a negative. 


Yeah that makes sense, thx for the good points. Re: Hillary's executive response - it's a tough call and there are pros/cons as you said.

She's not a technocrat or functional area leader anymore though; the president's main value IMO is inspiration/communication, constituency mgmt (both foreign and domestic), and focusing on important priorities (plus kicking butts so it gets done). Part of constituency mgmt and inspiration is empathy (even people you don't get along with or who are just a pain in your side) - something her hubby was excellent at, and she seems quite weak at. 

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