Friday, August 28, 2015

"Bubble boy" Bush visits NOLA for the 10th anniv. of Katrina

I refer to him as "bubble boy" because in the conservative dream world he continues to seek refuge in, he did a heck of a job during Katrina. How tone deaf and offensive; I wish the locals booed and egged him all the way to Louis Armstrong Airport. Of course he didn't visit the Superdome, Lower 9th, or his other "greatest hits". He didn't take press questions either. Maybe he still doesn't have a good answer for, "Did you make any mistakes during your presidency?"

What's next, he visits Baghdad as the conquering hero? I'm sure ISIS commanders would be happy to host him. Total a-hole. For the 5th anniv. of the Deepwater Horizons disaster this year, even BP leaders weren't dumb enough to visit the shrimping villages, not expecting the victims to shower them with appreciation for all their "restoration" work. 

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