Thursday, July 31, 2014

Pacific Gas and Electric's gross violations after gas pipeline negligence

This is pretty ridiculous:
Remember their negligence over the San Bruno, CA gas line explosion that killed 8 and destroyed millions in property? Well they are getting sued because it was revelaed that the company exchanged over 7K emails with the CPUC (state agency regulating utilities) while being investigated by them. That is like OJ having a regular side conversation with the LA Superior Court before the trial started. But that is the revolving door, where many in the CPUC are former utility workers, and maybe hope to work at PG&E in the future. Can you believe that PG&E has not paid a dime in fines so far, and the incident is 4 years old? With these new charges, they now could be on the hook for around $4B. I divested from them long ago out of disapproval, but you might want to as well to save your money.
If only we could go 100% solar. These morons are verging on BP territory.

On January 13, 2012, an independent audit from the State of California issued a report stating that PG&E had illegally diverted over $100 million from a fund used for safety operations, and instead used it for executive compensation and bonuses.

In December 2012 the California Public Utilities Commission decided that 55% of the long term costs for PG&E pipeline inspection and safety upgrades of $229 million will be borne by electricity rate payers.

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