Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Resistance Suppression and the IDF

A friend shared this video with me from a former IDF soldier (Eran Efrati) who was so troubled by his experiences in the Territories that he is now a spokesman for a group trying to spread the word to Israel proper and the outside world on the injustices and implications of the Occupation. It's 40 min, but worth it IMO.

Some highlights:

-When Efrati was a boy, he remembered his grandma crying hysterically at night from PTSD from her Nazi death camp experience. It jarred him to the bone when he heard a Palestinian mother crying the same way after his unit killed her unarmed son.

-In Operation Cast Lead (the first Gaza invasion in 2008-9), the IDF ground troops were surprised with what they saw. They were pumped up to kick ass and do the urban fighting that they had been trained for, but by the time they set foot in Gaza, there was nothing left to fight. The navy and air force had already destroyed everything, and all they saw were rubble and corpses.

-While the US still gives Israel billions in aid (some of it military), Israel also has a billions-dollar war export industry. They have sold/currently sell resistance suppression tools/training to foreign governments - some of whom are terribly repressive and undemocratic (Pinochet's Chile, Mobutu's Congo/Zaire, Apartheid SA, the PRC). So they have a financial incentive to continue the Occupation, and even use the Territories as a "lab" to try out new innovations.

In the end, I think Efrati presented a good message for the US audience: we might not care about the Palestinians who are so far away, but we could be next - because US police are getting Israeli training to be more brutal and militaristic. If one day we have to protest our gov't, or we become the "enemy of the state", then we will be treated like the new Palestinians. Who in the world is going to help us, if we never bothered to help the Palestinians? I hope our laws and rights will protect us if that dark time comes, but clearly many people have had their rights violated by the cops (and gov't) during the War on Terror, OWS, and just crossing the street.

Bill Maher on the militarization of the US police (which seems to be enabled by resistance suppression training/tools tested in the Territories). Ironically, Maher spent the first half of the show crapping on the Palestinians and praising Israel.

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