Friday, July 4, 2014

Some interesting links

Kinda sad, but by no means particular to the UK:

Though I wonder if dom. violence rates are actually rising over time, or if reporting is just increasing (the latter being a positive change I suppose).

Hyundai has a different take on the emotional effects of a big football win on a culture: 

Also about the ISIS stuff: the CIA has been training "non-extremist, non-jihadist" Syrian rebels in Jordan in unconventional war tactics to fight the Assad regime. Some folks (ironically both on the far left and far right) are accusing our gov't of not screening those folks very well (a hard task) and inadvertently training fighters who later joined ISIS, J. Al-Nusra, and other extremist groups.
Granted I couldn't find reputable news sources that covered this story, but I can imagine that it's been hard to verify claims and apply journalistic rigor. However, it wouldn't be the first time (Viet Minh, Mujahadeen, Contras, right wing Cubans, etc.).


Yet another red flag associated with fracking:
In the Marcellus Shale in the East, fracking is surfacing radioactive rock material from deep underground, and wastewater is showing very high levels of radium-226 (associated with bone cancers, half-life of 5K years). Fortunately for the drillers, they got an environmental exception, because for everyone else - radioactive water needs special disposal. But in PA, it's treated the same as household sewage.

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